I just wanted to thank you for organizing my recent horse whispering experience. It had a pretty immediate impact on me and over the following weekend I had one of the most productive and effective presentation planning/preparation exercises for an upcoming presentation I need to give. It felt much more natural and less energy sapping as I reverted to what I felt personally most comfortable and natural with.
The following week threw quite a few curveballs at work but just trying to keep everything in perspective and realize what I can and cannot influence.
Please pass on my sincere thanks to David and Sharon for their hospitality and attention to helping me understand and appreciate the significance, power, impact and consequences of the energy I emit and the huge benefits of congruent thinking and leadership. What I found most rewarding and reassuring was the fact that embracing these approaches actually felt more natural to me. In that sense it was more a 'realisation' than anything else
Stephen Hearty - Autoimmune Team, Immunocore
Bonita gave me some of the cleanest feedback I have had in a long time – getting bummed out of the way sang very clearly to me – I was getting a little over confident. Hector then showed me that without providing a clear sense of direction he won’t know where he needs to go. But it was Levi from whom I learnt the most – rather than the need for him to like me, I learnt that mutual trust and respect was a far greater level of connectivity which could only come about from me letting him know when his behaviour was not OK and when it was necessary for him to move away. When I got to the point of him following me with no harness and just standing with me (not nipping) it wasn’t that I felt like I had controlled him, it was more a reflection that I felt very present, very happy and very comfortable with myself.
Simon Drane
Consultant, Lane4 Management Group Ltd